Why Book Reading is Important

Let’s read the importance of Book reading in our life: Reading books is important for many decades. But 10-20 years ago, we had enough time, and you used to live a stress-free life. But the current scenario is different.

 Most self-made Billionaires read a lot; professionally, they are college dropped out they don’t have coveted degrees, but they read a lot. Because they knew very early in his/her life, our education system only makes you just survive your life. 

Formal education will make you a living, while self education will make you a fortune_ Brian Tracy

Seven years ago, I was also facing similar kinds of problems. The first time I saw a book called Think and Grow Rich, one of my friend’s room. And silently, I assume myself, If I read this book, could I become Rich? Even though I thought the book had sold more than 15 million-copy.

And what all people will have become Rich, No, this is not possible, and that time I turned a few pages and decided, reading a book is the time-wasting, and no one can become Rich. And I also asked my friend did you read this book; he straight away said No, did not read a single page.

I thought reading a book can not help you much, and I was busy with my under-graduation. This is the story of every person at the beginning of book reading. Within a year turning point came when I found Bob Proctor’s video on Youtube on the same book (Think and Grow Rich), 

Bob Proctor, Sharing his thoughts on Importance of Book reading: must watch if you have 24 hours/per day, video is only 1 hour, rest 23 hours you can do whatever you want to do.

And I decided to read this book. A slowly, I find 99% of Billionaires and Millionaires spend their maximum time reading self-help books, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Elon Musk, Mukesh Ambani, and especially in the startup world, self-help and biographies help you a lot. And Thank you, Bob Proctor and Myself, very soon I understand the power of reading.

“If Knowledge is Power Then Reading is a superpower.” __Jim Quick

That day I decided one thing, all the people who will be connected to me. I will make sure they all must start reading the book. And I have collections of books according to my friend’s problems. I gifted him a few books from time to time. Or I order a new book from amazon for him if they are really suffering from some serious issues. 

Last year on May 19, I got married to Beautiful Girl Neha, and she is my Wife now. I gifted her the first book, “How to Win Friends and Influence People.” She Hardly read 10 Pages of the book;

I try to influence her many times, but she always reluctant to read a book. So I decided to give her next time less than 100 pages book. After that lockdown, she finished all books, So I realized that These five books help anyone develop book reading Habits

Reading expand your mental power: According to Brain expert Tony Buzan, your brain has about 100 Billion cells, each directly and indirectly connected via ganglia and dendrites to 20,000 thousand other cells. The number of ideas and thoughts generated is 100 billion to the 20,000th power, equivalent to number one followed by eight pages of zero, line by line. The number of thoughts you can think of is higher than the number of molecules in the known universe. You can unlock the potential genius in you, provided you practice the art of reading and writing every waking day of your life. You can activate these neural pathways and achieve anything in your life through the power of the subconscious mind.

Reading Expand your creativity and imagination: Creativity and imagination play a vital role in personal and professional careers. It only improves by reading books and writing journals. 

“There is creative reading as well as creative writing.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson

Improve your relationship: There are various books on healthy relationships. The 5 languages of Love by Gary Chapman, MEN, are from MARSE, and WOMEN are from VENUS by John Gray. Personally, I read this book cover to cover before my marriage. My relationship is so beautiful because I read a few books on it and understood the importance of book reading.

Better Your Communication Skills:

If you read only 20 minutes slightly louder, your tone becomes crystal clear; personally, I followed this technique, and I have 6 children in our family; all are below high school. I have developed these habits for everyone.

They talk very fearlessly and confidently, but It’s no matter whats your age; if you are an undergraduate student and working professional best time to develop this reading habit louder within a month, you see your own result. There are various books on communication skills, leadership skills. You can pick any of them.

Conclusion: In our school education system never taught about personal wealth, health, and relationships nor the importance of book reading, You can choose the book according to your interest, and you want to make it better. Once you understand the importance of book reading, you never complain about anything in your life. You can achieve anything in your life simply you just read 30 minutes or 30 pages every day. Bob Proctor still reading a few pages of Think and Grow Rich for the last 55 years. So in our life, we must inculcate reading habits in our life.

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