Lets Read No Limits by Mukesh Bunshal, The art, and science of high performance
At first glance lot of people ignore this book because book titles give prevalent meaning for common people, and there are a lot of book on self-development, and productivity but this book gives us a very scientific approach behind your personal growth and development,
Mark my word, this book is holly grail for your personal development; if you read line by line and follow it, you do not need to read any other book on self-development; No-Limits can change your life and change your organizational life,
But for me, this means give totally different meaning see NO LIMITS words itself full of inquisitiveness word, this inquisitiveness lead you super successful there are NO LIMITS, Every person has NO LIMITS inside us, but the point is you need to consistent with that NO LIMITS power, Believe in you, Improve your practice every single day,
This book not only inspires you to adopt the high-performance method to reach your full potential while it also provides a proper strategy and toolkit to unleash your full potential.
Why I choose this book: The first author is an IIT alumnus, serial entrepreneur, founder of Myntra, Cult. Fit and come from the very humble ground and the city called Haridwar,
I am illuminating a few lessons from the book:
Why so many IIT top-ranked come from a city like Bokaro: Motivation as a trigger may be your role model in your environment. That’s why some top rankers of IIT come from cities like Bokaro. and the right coaching, like Super 30. Anand Kumar trained their students. They got selected in IIT every year.
Even though great Brazilian footballers come from the same place.
Mumbai is also gold mine indin creakers. And there are various examples in the world.
Motivations and imagination come from your environment, Deep faith in your inner abilities. There are three main ingredients for success in your life,
- Deliberate Practice with persistence
- Motivation
- Coaching:
‘What we are repeatedly doing is what we become: excellence then is a habit.’_ Aristotle.
Chasing the silicon valley Dream: Authors want to become Entrepreneurs, no matter how long it takes. He made some plans before starting his own startup; they choose to work in Startup; after that, he has started Myntra.
After the acquisition of Myntra, they started Cult. Fit. As a founder, you must use the same domain expertise; apart from that, you must have patience and perseverance. Chinese bamboo is a great example of patience and perseverance.
He has watched the 2000 dot com bubble burst very carefully. And he worked in four failed startups. And he discovered that:
what you learn from failure, you can not learn any other way.
The Hero’s Journey: From the moment we are born to the day we die, the hero plays a powerful role in shaping one,s personality and inspiration.
There is nothing wrong with it; Heros, real or imagined they inspire and motivate us. Any performance improvement journey begins with a desire and the belief you have. It’s no matter how poor with tools and technique.
You require a heroic effort. Read the book called “ The Hero with a Thousand face” by Joseph Campbell if you want to read Heroic journey.
Lose to Win: The Gift of Failure: You will notice, or you have seen in the movies, Heros’s journey is incomplete without its setback and failure.
From Walt Disney, who was reportedly fired from his newspaper job for his lack of imagination, Steve Jobs is one of the most vivid examples.
As human beings, we measure our life not by only by achievement but by every trial and obstacle we face. You can see any successful people or Heroic journey is never a straight line, and they must go through the inevitable ups and downs, and your journey will be no different.
Body: Use it or lose it: If You Do not Use it, You could lose it: Without proper nourishment and exercise of your body, you can lose it. If you do not want to lose it, You better use it. Your performance will be significantly better if you have a highly functioning and efficient Body.
Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live in._ Jim Rohn
The way you treat your body has almost everything to do with how you perform mentally and emotionally. The more we push our bodies, An ancient proverb there is no place for a great mind without a great body.
Ice- cold Shower:
Taking an Ice cold bath early in the morning heal your muscle and sharpen your focus, taking the cold shower early in the morning habits almost every Self-Made Billionaire.
Drink Water First Thing in The Morning: After sleeping for 6 to 8 hours, your body wakes up dehydrated. So first thing you drink 2 glass of water without even brushing. This is one of the simplest things you can do for your body, and you will be more productive and well functioning.
Sleep On Time:
Without good night rest, It is impossible to have a highly productive day and full access to your mental faculties. Just ensure that you get 7 to 8 hours of high-quality sleep every night. Deep sleep is a great start for your good health. According to Ariana Huffington in her book The sleep revolution: ‘We may be what we eat’s shays but also to be sure we are how we sleep.
“To keep the body in good health is a duty… otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear”_ Budha.
Find Your Biological Prime Time: Have you ever observed the time of the day when you feel most alert and active? This called Biological Prime Time (BPT). It could differ from person to person; You can identify your BPT and harness your full potential.
Fitness: The Only Magic Pil: The next crucial activity for the body is physical exercise. It is said that if there is one magic pill available to us, It is exercise.
‘Our Body is our gardens to which our wills are gardeners’_, William Shakespeare.
Almost all kind of physical activity and movement is good for your body. It improves your willpower, says no to unhealthy food, and improves your ability to stay calm in adverse and stressful situations.
Yoga is another form of exercise that is being adopted by people around the world.
You are what you Eat: We are what we eat. Every cell in the body is made and continuously remade using the ingredients that we put into our body. The three primary sources of calories in the body, carbohydrates, Fats, and Proteins. All three are essential sources of energy. And a good meal needs a mix of all three.
Eat Mindfully, its nothing but paying more attention to what you eat. When, how, and why.
The Plastic Mind: An Example of brain plasticity in action. Who says you can not teach an old dog new tricks.
‘The human brain has a hundred billion neurons, each neuron connected to ten thousand other neurons. Sitting on your shoulder is the most complicated object in the known universe’_Michio Kaku.
Chemical Romance in The Brain: Dopamine one of the key neurotransmitters closely associated with our brain’s pleasure center and reward system.
Deep Connection: The Mind and The Body: Whatever the Body does, originates in the mind. So it seems like a master-salves relationship. The Mind commands the Body to act in a certain way, and the body followed.
‘ The Mind is its own place and in itself, can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hel of Heaven.’_John Milton
The Brian Loves Shortcut: Even when they are dead-end.
Mastery over the Mind Through Yogic Practice: Just 10 minutes of meditation can do wonders for your health and performance every day. You can see athletes go through a fixed routine, repeating the same phrase again and again.
‘Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it’—_ Charles R Swindoll.
Create Your Rituals:
We are creatures of Habits: Take a moment to think about your morning, brushing your teeth, bathing, breakfast, and driving your car to commute to your office, all it happens due to habits. Habits enable us to carry out our essential daily activities.
Habits are amazing time-saving devices. Same -Task, Same -Time, Every Day,
Habits are not in your Genes: You can Acquire the Habits You Need: Nobody wants to wake early in the morning, If you set your alarm at 5 AM and you wake up, it becomes your new Habits. Habits changes are never easy, and the initial few days and may month can be tough to become your new habits.
‘ If you make your bed every morning, you will have accomplished the first task of the body. It will give you a small sense of pride and it will encourage you to do another task and another, and another, and by the end of the day that one task completed will have turned into many tasks completed.’_ William H. McCraven.
Learning for Life; Learning how to learn might just be one of the most powerful lessons for us. Education can stop after your graduation but learning how to learn is life long skill and it can not be stopped after your graduation and Ph.D. Forgetting to Remember, And Remember to Learn.
‘Anyone who stops learning id old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.’_ Henry Ford
In Search of Productivity:
‘I wake up each day with the firm conviction that I am nowhere near my full potential. “ Greatness” is a verb. These words came to me one morning in a flash of awareness and insight. I have miles to go before I sleep, and so I will spend my remaining years desperately looking to improve who I am from year to year.’ _Maurice Ashley
Unleash The Creativity within You:
‘ Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.’_ Scott Adams
Creativity abounds in almost every sphere of human life. When you write an email and spend time and effort to come up with the right subject and get the attention that you want, you need to be creative. The Recipe for creativity is, Taking Risk, Failure Daydreaming, Serendipity, and read a lot about an unknown area of your field.
The Pursuit of Life:
Purpose creates a sense of meaning in your life.
‘Greate minds have a purpose, others have wishes.’_ Washington Irving
What Matters in The End: This theory suggests that you imagine that it is your last on earth, and asks you to visualize what you would like your life to have looked like. Would you be happy with the choices you made and the goals that you pursued? What would you like people to write in your obituary?
‘We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.’_ Oscar Wilde
conclusion: The Book is a complete guide for personal, professional, organizational development. It’s a summary of 50 books like Storytelling is crucial to humanity because it is through stories that we understand ourselves and the world around us. Sleep is the Most Powerful Habits: If you go the bed same time every day and wake up at the same time every day, it regulates your body like a clock so it expects to sleep at a certain time. Mindset:‘What You think, you become. People with a fixed mindset don’t believe in making effort and don’t want to change themselves. I have written what I observe from the book, but if you are seeking 1 book for personal growth must-read, might be you have read dozen of books on it. The content of the book is based on science, practice, and techniques. At end of the every chapter has given a Performance Hack sheet, which you can easily recall, remember, and implement in your life. Thank you for Reading!