Reluctant to read books, you need to develop a reading habit. In the beginning, it doesn’t seem easy.
But if you get to the right books in your palms, it helps you develop reading habits.
Habits are made by three steps: A cue — A routine — A reward._ Charles Duhig
Cue: less than 100 pages
Routine: You already have some existing routine; align with one of them. Like, Make a Bed, Bathing, Breakfast, and Sleep. My suggestion is to read before going to sleep because your subconscious mind makes it easier day by day.
Rewards: The first book has only 75 pages; just read it, and what lesson you will get, you will never have imagined.
Skill with People by Les Giblin:

“Quality of your communication determines the quality of your life.”
Once you finish your graduation degree. one skill requires most, i.e., communication skills on your CV. Even though the art of communication required every area of your life. From you born to die, this skill helps you a lot.
See some statistics and data in the book because our human brain always believes in data and the scientific approach. It’s tough to believe in theoretical explanations as a newbie reader.
According to this book, how Human we can learn:
How to skillfully talk to people, Listening, and reply to them; this data changes your mindset.
83% through Sight
11% through Hearing
35% through Touch: Due to COVID-19, this percentage is reduced to zero, and your hearing and listening skills will be increased by 46%.
01 % through Taste
How You Retain Information
10% of what you READ
20% of what you READ OR LISTENING
30% of what you SEE
50% of what you SEE and HEAR
70% of what we say as we TALK.
90% of what we say, AS WE DO A THING.
This data changes your communication styles and becomes the more likable and productive in your ambiance; mark my word. If you finished this book, you would become a new person.
2. The Art of Dealing with People by Les Giblin:

From kindergarten to become the CEO of the Billion Dollar Company, you must learn the art of dealing. How to act? How to listen? How to reply? How to get things done by your opponent without hearing NO.
In this book, designed your day to day communication styles. You are controlling your action, attitudes, and tone of your voice. Before reading this book, I read a dozen books on communication skills, but it’s a different book. Content is very concise and crisp; you can quickly grab.
“If you are not using your smile, You are like someone with a Million in the Bank account, but they don’t have a checkbook.”
If you understood the above quote, there is no need for an extra explanation; why should you read this book as soon as possible?
3. Leadership by Brian Tracy:

“If your action inspires others to dream more, learn more, do more, and achieve more, You are a leader.”
In the last three books I pick up from The Authors Brian Tracy, His writing style is simple and easy to understand. It would help if you rarely need to open your dictionary, and he is the Bestselling author of many self-help books.
He has passed his schooling at the age of 32 and started his professional career very early in his life. The achievement he got is phenomenal,
He changed millions of people’s lives, and thousands of companies make them profitable by his writing style.
From Primary School to Retirement, everyone wants to become a leader in their personal and professional life. People have some misunderstanding about leadership” Leaders are not born. Leaders are made.” Leadership’s first attributes are courage. Courage is not something you are born with, but you can learn then lead.
“Abraham Lincon Wrote: That some have succeeded is proof that others can as well.”
Leadership attributes need to sell your Product to choosing your better half.
4. Creativity and Problem Solving by Brian Tracy:
The 21st-century creativity and problem solving play a vital role in your success.
Creativity is a skill; like riding your bicycle, Operating your computer, Cooking your dishes, creativity can learn and develop through rigorous practice.
This book is designed to give you a series of proven, practical methods and techniques. When you practiced will provide you with a better result than what you are getting today. Sometimes the result will amaze you.
Steve Jobs uses creativity throughout his life; even his venture Apple is the Product of his inner imagination. When Apple announced the iPhone in 2006, Both Nokia and Blackberry ignored it.
They said, “a toy of a temporary fad that would soon be forgotten and today you can see the presence of Nokia and Blackberry in the smartphone market. So this is the power of creativity and Solving problems. Once you become habitual to read books, creativity comes naturally.
5. Business Strategy by Brian Tracy:
Business, War, and Personal achievement, strategy plays a vital role in your success. No war in history won without a strategy. Unless and until you will not adopt an attacking approach. Even though you will not win the simple chess game without proper strategy.
One famous story very vividly explains in this book the story of Alexander The Great. He has become king of Macedon at the age of 20.
He had controlled all over Greece at the age of 21. He defeated Darius, whose army was 50,000, and Alexander The Great had only 22,000 thousand army due to his excellent strategy to make him won the War easily.
Alexander was a great communicator and strategic planner. He always uses Merger and acquisition strategy; in the Today startup world, this Merger and acquisition strategy use frequently. Zero-Based Thinking also a potent tool you can use throughout your career.
Bonus Book: The One-Minute Manager by Ken Blanchard
A classic guide for reluctant readers, whether you manage a Home, a Family, a Business, and looking for a new Manager for your organization, works effectively. This book is only 112 pages, but this lesson leads you decades.
Everyone on every day wastes their 1 minute to 60 minutes in the ridiculous discussion of trivial matter; please stop wasting that time and read this book. This 1 minute can change your life. Content is very effective and useful in your day to day life. The main key point is :
- One Minute Goal
- One Minute Praise
- One Minute Appraisal
- One Minute Reprimands
- One Minute Explanation
Take One Minute and decide to read all books within a month you easily finished and see yourself in the Mirror what kind of person you become.
“A book is a gift you can open again and again.”_ Garrison Keillor
Conclusion: All 5 five books are not only writing styles are simple and easy to understand. You do not need to open a dictionary to read books. The content of the books is beneficial for your professional career. Many people read a few pages and want to see the immediate result; book reading is as simple as planting a tree. It can not give you immediate fruit unless you have given the proper nurturing of the tree. You have to give 365 days without expecting any immediate result. Thank You for Reading.
Read More: How to Read a Book
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