The moment you save your one-time money on a weekend meal, you can buy any hardcover book.
I am an avid book reader, and I love to read a hardcover book; I rarely read paperback; if a hardcover book is unavailable, then I can only buy a paperback. I did not have enough money to spend on my personal growth.
So I cut my extravagant expenses and then purchased a hardcover; sometimes, hardcover books go beyond 100 dollars. I am running an online food tech company, so we have little money to spend on our personal growth.
I’ve never been on a paperback tour before, you know because usually, you go on tour when a hardcover comes out. __Hector Tobar
Why do I buy Hardcover books?
In almost every hardcover book, you get some extra blank pages. And that page you jot down your summary of the books. Once you re-read that summary, you can easily recall all necessary points.
The quality of the pages is hard and attractive; you can easily mark any line or paragraph, so it is not faded or transparent. The article is originally published on Medium. Thank You for reading.
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