You become Rich; what you eat and read; our education system only design for what you read. No one emphasises what kind of food you should eat. To become rich is the combination of body and brain.
Long gone are the Mongols’ days, who roamed the Eurasian steppe and formed the largest ever contiguous empire.
However, what remains is the fascinating speed and ferocity with which they conquered Asia and parts of Europe and leaves one wondering what fuelled the Mongol Conquest.
The Simple Answer: Horse Milk. Owing to Mare’s Milk’s superior quality, which was low in fat, high in Lactose and Micronutrients (Vitamins), The Mongols were lean, clean, and mean, and their stamina was unmatched.
Supplement them with eggs, spinach, and milk. Those frequent acnes and dry skin may be a sign of Vitamin A deficiency. That chronic fatigue that never subsides no matter how many energy drinks you gulp down may be a sign of vitamin D deficiency.
It takes 100 trillion cells to constitute a human body, and each needs a constant supply of a variety of nutrients. Deficiency in any one tends to invite a host of disorders and diseases.
Consider a Sodium deficient person; what symptoms would such a person exhibit? Confusion, lethargy, altered personality are a few symptoms that would be easily noticeable,
What about the underlying disorders such as an under-active thyroid or adrenal glands or decreased kidney function, liver, or heart.
Ramifications of such a deficiency are hard to comprehend and almost always leads to a sinister condition in the long term. The need of the hour is a Balanced diet with diverse nutritional components.
Let me take you back to the time of the Hunter-Gatherers. Our ancestors were simple people. They didn’t bother themselves with what to eat and how much to eat;
they ate what they hunted and whatever they could forage. Archaeological digs of human skeletons before 10000 BC have opened a Pandora’s Box, which has led to much debate among Archaeologists and Anthropologists as to what the early Homo sapiens ate.
While the paten contents are a moot subject, there is no debate because whatever they ate was highly nutritious and rich in micronutrients.
One does not find any major deficiency in the early Homo sapiens and leads to the obvious question of what changed. The Answer is WHEAT.
The wretched wheat rid us of our natural foraging spirit of exploration and curiosity and made us into a sedentary and uninquisitive farming society. ALAS, THE AGRICULTURAL REVOLUTION HAS ARRIVED. It was all downhill from thereon.
Our craving for carbohydrates and fats is encoded in our DNA, and one can always blame evolution for that staunch belly that never seems to deflate no matter what you do.
While it is true that at a point in time, Carbs and Fats were rare, and a biological mechanism was needed to store them and also increase our proclivity to gather them, I believe mother nature did not envision an era where humans would be inundated with such nutrients that were supposed to be a once in a while delicacy.
While carbohydrates do give us an energy burst, they won’t be effective if they are not metabolised properly.
Vitamin B complexes are responsible for the effective metabolisation of various starches and carbs and directly impact your energy levels,
brain function, and cell metabolism. So you could munch on those crackers and brownies as much as you want, but they won’t be effective unless you.
I distinctly remember my college days when I lived in a hostel and had suddenly developed Brain Fog.
Brain Fog is a condition marred by confusion, inability to recall information, difficulty in chronicling events, and inhibited ability to retain memories and information.
The condition seriously affected my ability to concentrate during lectures, which led to an abysmal performance in my end semester exams. A diagnostic test soon revealed what was wrong with me.
Vitamin B and D levels were dangerously low, and I was severely deficient in Sodium. I was put on a medication diet for 2 months, and sure enough, my Brain Fog subsided.
The culprit here was the bland, nutritionally deficient hostel food that I was consuming. The rice and the chapattis did indeed provide me with the necessary glucose. Still, the meagre potato curry was not potent enough to fulfil the RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance) necessary to maintain good health.
Being a student, I certainly couldn’t afford a Gourmet meal rich in Zinc and anti-oxidants and was stuck with the pathetic meal I was served 3 times a day.
Being away from home and living in a metropolitan city, stuck in a rat race, and hustling for that promotion, may take a toll on your health. Getting wholesome food at a nominal cost that doesn’t burn a hole in your pocket now seems a reality.
Our food-tech startup TIFFINQNQ.COM in India is venturing into the previously unexplored market of Balanced Nutritional Diet provided at a nominal cost.
It may well be a boon to the millions of Bachelors and Bachelorettes who live a fast-paced life and prioritize reaching the office early instead of attaining a sound sense of wellbeing. Finally, you become what you eat.
The race for wholesome nutritional food delivery and logistics is still at a nascent stage in a market that has the potential to revolutionise the food and healthcare industry.
I would once again repeat the aforementioned need of the hour and would like to remind you what the famed poet Ralph Waldo said: “I cannot remember the books I’ve read any more than the meals I have eaten; even so, they have made me.”
The article is originally published on Author’s Medium Profile. Thank you for reading!