Let’s develop one habit from the Universe.
If one were to gauge on a spectrum, the propensity for things to break would break easily?
Your bungalow, mansion, and that million-dollar car. Tangible assets are easy to destroy, but intangible assets like habits, integrity, and character are considered indestructible. Take habit as an example; habit, as defined by Wikipedia, is “ a routine of repeated behavior and tends to occur subconsciously.”
Habits are formed, good or bad, become an integral part of your routine and help you either facilitate or diminish your personality. Thus habits are a manifestation of subconscious programming. Hence it is natural that habits take time to manifest, and once they manifest, modifying/getting rid of them is equally uphill.
As a human being, our brains are the most precious and the strongest asset we have, but they can become a slave to certain habits either good or bad.
I am not giving you any scientific tools or techniques to form good or break bad habits. There are a plethora of articles and books that you can refer to. I am here to enunciate how the universe, too, follows a set of habits without which the very life we live wouldn’t have been possible.
Take the example of the Sun; the Sun rises and sets at a particular time. The sun is the most inspirational heavenly body in the Universe. Imagine the dire consequences of the sun not rising for a day?
“Every day a million miracle begins at sunrise”_Jerome
Similarly, if you have some good habits like reading, writing a journal every morning, exercising, etc., you must wake up in the morning.
Any habit, either good or bad, compounds over time and gives you massive returns.
Let’s assume you do not have the time to develop the habits of reading, writing and exercising. But as a human being, you must develop one habit called to go to bed and wake up in the morning at the same time every day. This one single habit will help you a lot when you bedridden or sick.
Write in the comment section or write your time of going to bed and the time you wake up. Or you could try something even better to maintain a journal to write the time you want to wake up or go to bed. This will help you program your subconscious, thereby helping you achieve your goal.
Try to wake up and go to bed every day at the same time for 1 year without expecting any miracles; miracles will not happen before the rigorous practice of your habits, which at times may take even 5 years. Time is not a constraint; rather, your mind acts as a barrier to your success.
Since March this year 2020, I have committed myself to this one single habit from the Universe.
I wake up every day at 4:30 AM. According to my future project and company requirements, I need to wake at 4:30 AM, and within a year, I am also planning my first baby. So that after 5 years, I will need to wake up at 4:30 or 5 AM because I will have to prepare my child for kindergarten. I want to draw your attention to my morning schedule:
From 4:40 AM to 6:30 AM, due to COVID-19 (Lockdown), I got enough time to stick with it. I work on my personal development and self-improvement. Reading books, writing journals, Meditation, and exercising are features of my routine. Whether I am at home, traveling, or in a hotel, I have never skipped my mourning routine come what may.
These 2 hours are mine, meaning I have reserved these 2 hrs for me wherein even my wife won’t disturb me. These 2 hrs lay a solid base for the whole 24 hrs.
Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise._ Benjamin-Franklin
Conclusion: At the lowest degree of habit formation lies the habit of going to bed early and thereby waking up early. The habit requires commitment and self-discipline. While many feel daunted by the task, I request you to spend time with yourself and never undermine the human spirit’s capacity.
I hope I have given enough examples to mold new habits and change your life.